Prize Pool
Pot of Gold Tournament
VIP Lottery
Prize Pool
Two exclusive VIP tickets
to the Coldplay show
Welcome to the Pinoman’s exclusive lottery! It’s only available for VIP players and includes a truly unique main prize: two VIP seats to the Coldplay show in Berlin on July 12th, 2022! Silver and bronze medalists will get MediaMarkt vouchers of CA$1,500 and CA$750 respectively. Only the best prizes for PinoCasino’s very important players!

Get 1 lottery ticket for a CA$150 deposit, 3 tickets for a CA$300 deposit, 8 tickets for a CA$750 deposit, or 20 tickets for a CA$1,500 deposit. Any ticket can win!

The lottery runs from 22.06.2022, 00:01 until 29.06.2022, 23:59 (CEST) 2022, so don’t miss out on the chance to win an unforgettable evening! Let’s rock and roll in the VIP lounge with Mr. Pino!
1. The lottery runs from 22.06.2022, 00:01 until 29.06.2022, 23:59 (CEST) 2022.
2. CA$150 deposit = 1 ticket
CA$300 deposit = 3 tickets
CA$750 deposit = 8 tickets
CA$1,500 deposit = 20 tickets
3. The number of lottery tickets per player is unlimited.
4. Every ticket can be a winning one.
5. One lottery ticket allows a player to win the main prize: two VIP tickets to the Coldplay show at Olympiastadion Berlin, 12.07.2022, which includes parking, access to the VIP Lounge, and an unrestricted view in adjacent seats for two people.
6. The prizes for second and third places are MediaMarkt vouchers of CA$1,500 and CA$750 respectively.
7. Winners must have an active account without limits by the end of each lottery.
8. The Coldplay tickets and vouchers can not be exchanged for money
9. General Bonus Terms and Conditions apply.
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